About Me

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It is hard to understand what motivates people to indulge in such bizarre pastimes. While I understand that it is cool to be passionate about something other than the norm, some people go beyond that. Consider my buddy Tim as an example. As far as we are able to tell, he is passionate for fitness. He spends more time in the gym than the average gym-goer. He doesn't use weights but instead uses the aerobic machines. Plus, he has a number of films under his belt. He'll watch it as long as it isn't "so terrible it's amazing". To my knowledge, he lacks any aesthetic sense. You know what? He can't hold me responsible for my uniquenesses. Example: Despite my poor typing speed, I still enjoy collecting old typewriters. My strange obsession with sharks is beyond Movie reviews by Decker Shado comprehension.

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Prisioner of Painful Pleasure
Urban Legends and Horror
Grindhouse Films and Force Films
DVD Verdict
The Last Picture Show
Horrible Movies
Senseless Nonsense

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